RxJs forms in React - Part 2

In Part 1 of this post I was experimenting with a simple React form component that would allow a form to be declared using standard form elements, and which would return an rxjs observable with which to access changes in the form inputs.

After playing around with this approach I came to the conclusion that the observables did not add enough value to outweigh the additional complexity. This is mostly because of the simple need I had to only validate and get back the form data on the final submit, rather than on every change in the form.

I went ahead and completed the library anyway, but just using standard React APIs. One of the main things I wanted to achieve was to automatically add the additional validation error markup, which turned out to be relatively easy with React.createElement.

To enable validation I just added a simple prop which indicates the validation type. Then form component fields, with the validation prop set, are replaced with a new element that wraps the original field and a Validation component:

The world doesn't need another React form library, so no plans to take this too much further at this stage. However, I may still tidy it up to use on some personal projects, so the final outcome of this will be available here if anyone is interested.
